Learning Wiki

I'll be posting notes and thoughts about the most interesting/important things im learning here.

computational neuroscience

1.1 Models of Neuroscience March 17, 2021

1.2 Neurons and Synapses March 17, 2021

1.3 Brain Areas and their Function March 17, 2021

2.1 Neural Encoding March 17, 2021

2.2 Neural Encoding: Simple Models March 18, 2021

2.3 Feature Selection March 18, 2021

2.4 Variability April 26, 2021

3.1 Neural Decoding and Signal Detection Theory April 28, 2021

3.2 Population Coding and Bayesian Estimation April 30, 2021

deep learning

AlexNet June 15, 2022

machine learning

K-Means Clustering April 20, 2022

Soft K-Means Clustering April 22, 2022

Support Vector Machines June 9, 2022


Python and Apple Silicon December 17, 2021

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