2.4 Variability

The Gaussian

\[ p(x) = Ae^{ -\frac12{( x - \mu/\sigma)^2}} \]

\[ D_{KL}(P(s), Q(s))=\int ds P(s)\log_2(P(s)/ Q(s))\\D_{KL}(P(\text{s}_f | \text{ spike}), P(\text{s}_f)) \]

Maximally-Informative Dimensions


Binomial Spiking

Poisson Spiking

The Generalized Linearized Model

Evaluating our Model

If this predicted rate does truly account for all the influences on the firing, even ones due to previous spiking, then these new scaled intervals should be distributed like a pure Poisson process, with an effective rate of one, that is as a single clean exponential. So this is called the Time-rescaling theorem and it's used as a way to test how well one has done in capturing all the influences on spiking with ones models.

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