Suppose we have a dataset with positive and negative classes:
We can draw an arbitrary decision boundary:
In order to classify new points using this decision boundary, we define a vector, \(\overrightarrow w\), that is perpendicular to the decision boundary:
When classifying a given data point, \(u\), we can interpret it as a vector, \(\overrightarrow u\), and take the dot product between \(\overrightarrow w\) and \(\overrightarrow u\), (\(\overrightarrow u \cdot \overrightarrow w\))
If this dot product is greater than a constant, \(c\), then the data point, \(u\) can be classified as positive:
\overrightarrow w \cdot \overrightarrow u \ge c
For future convenience, we can adjust this equation by replacing \(c\) with a constant, \(b\), where \(b = -c\); giving us:
\overrightarrow w \cdot \overrightarrow u + b \ge 0 \tag{1}
We have not defined enough constraints in order to calculate the constant, \(b\), or the magnitude of \(w\); this means we will have to formulate some constraints
Calculate an Equation for the Margins
Suppose we are given a data point that we know is either negative or positive, we can create constraints where:
\overrightarrow w \cdot \overrightarrow x_+ + b \ge 1
\overrightarrow w \cdot \overrightarrow x_- + b \le -1
For convenience, we can define a variable, \(y_i\), such that \(y_i = +1\) for positive samples and \(y_i = -1\) for negative samples in order to combine the above equations:
y_i (\overrightarrow w \cdot \overrightarrow x_i + b) \ge 1 \implies y_i (\overrightarrow w \cdot \overrightarrow x_i + b) -1 \ge 0
Notice, when \(y_i = -1\) and we move it to the other side, the \(\ge\) flips and \(1\rightarrow-1\)
Now that we have this inequality, we notice that when:
y_i (\overrightarrow w \cdot \overrightarrow x_i + b) -1 = 0 \tag{2}
We get an equation for our margins
Calculating the Width of our Decision Boundary/Margins
Looking back to our goal of creating a decision boundary, it is clear that we want a boundary that is as wide as possible
To do so, we must be able to calculate its width
In order to determine the distance between our two margins, we first think of two arbitrary vectors \(\overrightarrow{x_+}\) and \(\overrightarrow{x_-}\) that lie on the positive and negative margins, respectively:
We can calculate the vector going from \(\overrightarrow{x_-}\) to \(\overrightarrow{x_+}\) as \(\overrightarrow{x_+} - \overrightarrow{x_-}\)
Given the unit vector \(\hat w\) that is perpendicular to the decision boundary, the width between the margins is:
\text{width} = \hat w \cdot (\overrightarrow{x_+} - \overrightarrow{x_-})
\text{where: } \hat w = \frac{\overrightarrow w}{||w||}
In order to solve for width, we can take equation \((2)\) and solve for \(x_+\) and \(x_-\) to get:
L = \sum_i\alpha_i - \frac12(\sum_i\alpha_iy_ix_i)(\sum_j\alpha_jy_jx_j)
L = \sum_i\alpha_i - \frac12\sum_i\sum_j\alpha_iy_i\alpha_jy_j(x_i \cdot x_j) \tag{5}
In doing so, we notice that the optimization process only depends on the summation of dot products between pairs of samples!
This means that the optimization of our loss, \(L\), is easy to compute
Bringing all of this Together
To recap of all the work we have done, we first have a "Decision Rule"
This is the computation we perform to check if a given data point, \(\overrightarrow u\), should be classified as positive
\overrightarrow w \cdot \overrightarrow u + b \ge 0 \tag{1}
Because \(\overrightarrow w\) and \(b\) are parameters of the decision boundary which defines our "Decision Rule", we must optimize them in some manner
We do so by defining two symmetrical margins parallel to our decision boundary, that are still able to separate our two classes, the equations for which are:
y_i (\overrightarrow w \cdot \overrightarrow u + b) -1 = 0 \tag{2}
We want to maximize the distance between these margins and our decision boundary
Using equations \((1)\) and \((2)\), we find that we can maximize the width of the margins with:
We notice that there is a total dependence of the decision rule on the dot product between the sample vectors, \(x_i\), and our unknown, \(u\)
Key Takeaways
We can produce an optimal decision line to perform classification
This classification is performed by computing the decision rule, see \((\text{6})\)
The decision rule is simply a linear combination of dot products between the samples and the unknown, see \((\text{4})\)
While we do not discuss this here, the optimization of SVMs has been proven to be in a purely convex space
Meaning, SVMs will never get stuck in local maxima
This is an incredible advantage that other methods such as neural networks do not have
However, simple decision boundaries do not work if the classes are not linearly separable
This can be solved by transforming the points into a space in which they are linearly separable
A method to solve this problem will be discussed in the next section
The Kernel Function
In order to solve the problem of linear inseparability, we can notice that all the operations that are required in our optimization and classification process involve a dot product between two points in our sample space
Thus, we can define a function, \(\phi(\overrightarrow x)\), to transform these points into a space that makes them linearly separable before taking the dot product
So, optimization would look like:
L = \sum_i\alpha_i - \frac12\sum_i\sum_j\alpha_iy_i\alpha_jy_j(\phi(x_i) \cdot \phi(x_j)) \tag5
Here are two great resources that I used to learn this topic
The first helps provides a foundational understanding of math, and the second provides a high level overview
I would suggest watching in this order as the MIT lecture's content will fill in the technical gaps that are omitted by the StatQuest for simplicity's sake